Hide and Seek: Letter L
Topic: Reinforce learning the Letter L Grade Level: Pre-K, Early Kindergarten Category: Learning Letters [download id=”55″ format=”1″] Pin It
Topic: Reinforce learning the Letter L Grade Level: Pre-K, Early Kindergarten Category: Learning Letters [download id=”55″ format=”1″] Pin It
Topic: The student draws a picture of his favorite part of God’s perfect earth. Grade Level: First Grade, Second Grade Category: Science [download id=”54″ format=”1″] Pin It Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with Apologia, Jeannie Fulbright or the Young Explorer Series. They do not endorse these notebooking pages and I receive no compensation, …
Math facts have always been difficult for my oldest to memorize. So to take some of the drudgery out of memorizing those facts, I created Subtraction Bingo for him! Since we both love the whole ‘game’ aspect of learning, a bingo game seemed to be just the right fit. We played it several times today …
Topic: The student practices subtraction facts up to 12. Grade Level: Late Kindergarten, First Grade Category: Subtraction [download id=”46″ format=”1″]
Topic: The student practices round to the tens place and also the hundreds place. Grade Level: Late Kindergarten, First Grade Category: Math [download id=”45″ format=”1″]
Topic: Reinforce learning the Letter U Grade Level: Pre-K, Early Kindergarten Category: Learning Letters [download id=”44″ format=”1″] Pin It
Topic: The student cuts out the small shapes and then matches (glues) them to the larger shapes. Grade Level: Pre-K, Kindergarten Category: Scissor Skills, Sorting [download id=”43″ format=”1″] Pin It
Topic: The student cuts out the shapes and then glues them on the correct shape. Grade Level: Pre-K, Kindergarten Category: Scissor Skills, Sorting [download id=”42″ format=”1″]
I have a 6 year old boy that just does not like to write. His handwriting is actually really good for 6 years old. It’s the physical act of writing that he so detests. But part of his schooling is learning the correct way to form letters and write legibly. So far he’s doing an …
I’m a monthly contributing writer over at the lovely FishMama’s. Since September is National Preparedness Month, I wrote on preparing Emergency Bags for children. I consider our Emergency Bags to be insurance. I fully hope we never have to use them, but I have them well-stocked in case we do. If your children …
A compound word is two small words that are put together to create one large word. Practice doing just that with this compound words worksheet! This activity is geared towards 1st – 3rd grades. More Compound Word Worksheets → Compound Word Cross Out → Name That Compound Word → Compound Words Worksheet: What is it? …