Round-the-Number Match
Topic: The student practices rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and numbers to the nearest 100. Grade Level: First Grade Category: Math [download id=”71″ format=”1″] Pin It
Topic: The student practices rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and numbers to the nearest 100. Grade Level: First Grade Category: Math [download id=”71″ format=”1″] Pin It
Topic: This is a fill-in-the-blank practice sheet where the student adds –ing to the base word. With some verbs, simply –ing is needed. With others, the ‘e’ must be dropped before adding –ing. Grade Level: First grade, Early Second Grade Categories: Phonics, Spelling [download id=”70″ format=”1″]
Topic: The student practices his scissor skills by cutting along the dotted lines to the “k” words. Grade Level: Pre-K, Kindergarten or any child that needs practice with scissor skills Category: Scissor Skills [download id=”69″ format=”1″] Pin It
Topic: The student practices his comprehension skills by reading a letter from Emily to her mother and then answering the questions. Grade Level: Kindergarten, First Grade Category: Reading Comprehension Note: In Reading Comprehension worksheets, the Think About It portion is meant to be answered aloud in order to spark discussion about the story. [download id=”67″ format=”1″] Pin It
Topic: A template for creating the “Earth Ad” on page 63 of Exploring Creation with Astronomy. Grade Level: First Grade, Second Grade Category: Science [download id=”61″ format=”1″] Pin It Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with Apologia, Jeannie Fulbright or the Young Explorer Series. They do not endorse these notebooking pages and I receive no …
Topic: The student matches each perfect quality of our earth with its definition. Grade Level: First Grade, Second Grade Category: Science [download id=”60″ format=”1″] Pin It Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with Apologia, Jeannie Fulbright or the Young Explorer Series. They do not endorse these notebooking pages and I receive no compensation, financial …
Topic: Reinforce learning the Letter L Grade Level: Pre-K, Early Kindergarten Category: Learning Letters [download id=”55″ format=”1″] Pin It
Topic: The student draws a picture of his favorite part of God’s perfect earth. Grade Level: First Grade, Second Grade Category: Science [download id=”54″ format=”1″] Pin It Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with Apologia, Jeannie Fulbright or the Young Explorer Series. They do not endorse these notebooking pages and I receive no compensation, …
Topic: The student practices subtraction facts up to 12. Grade Level: Late Kindergarten, First Grade Category: Subtraction [download id=”46″ format=”1″]
Topic: The student practices round to the tens place and also the hundreds place. Grade Level: Late Kindergarten, First Grade Category: Math [download id=”45″ format=”1″]
Topic: Reinforce learning the Letter U Grade Level: Pre-K, Early Kindergarten Category: Learning Letters [download id=”44″ format=”1″] Pin It