Hello Friends! Happy Friday! Let’s get started on this evening’s bullet point post:
- Last week, my husband and I celebrated 20 years of marriage. Our dear-to-my-heart children bought us two nights at a mountain cabin for our anniversary, and we tacked on two more nights. If you’re counting, that is FOUR NIGHTS in the mountains with only my husband!
It was glorious and much needed. It had been over 5 years since the two of us went away together and we made many memories.
I am so thankful for my husband and children. They make my heart overflow with joy.

- While in the mountains, we rode a mountain train, spent much time looking at the mountain view from our porch, drank a lot of coffee, and were just quiet together at times.
We also paddled down the Nantahala River in a Double Duckie.
I got trapped at the end of the river under our raft when it overturned and had some moments of panic, despite being a decent swimmer. I have no doubt I looked like a swamp creature once I finally emerged from the water! I am sure that was a sight to behold!

- It’s strange, I know, but we had a week of school and then a week off of school while my husband and I were away in the mountains. This past week, we had our second full week of school so it was like starting all over again from scratch.
There are still kinks to work out, but on the whole, I am very happy with how things have begun. - My Kindergartner is still really struggling with being so tired. In order to get all of the teaching in with the kids before 3:00 (when I turn into a pumpkin for the day in regards to school), we need to start at 8:15.
The kids do not do school that long (unless they’ve dilly-dallied and squandered time), but I do school that long with someone.
So I’m letting my Kindergartner sleep late and miss Bible time until his growth spurt subsides a little and he adjusts to a different schedule.
My mama said this week, “He just seems to be in a time of transition.”
I think that’s very accurate. - Tonight’s supper was leftovers. We had leftover Chicken Enchiladas and a few bowls of Beef and Cabbage and Homemade Cornbread left (one of my favorites!), so I was off the hook for making a meal tonight. I enjoy cooking, but I try really hard for us not to waste any food, especially now that our food bill is even higher.
It costs a LOT to feed 7 people well, 6 of whom eat adult portions! Yikes! Inflation is here to stay, it seems. - I usually crash on Friday nights, and tonight is no exception. I’m going to finish my cup of coffee here and take a hot shower!
You can click here to read all of the Bullet Point Posts.
What is going on in your world this week? I would love to read what happened in your week, so feel free to write your own bullet point post in the comments!
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! Congrats!
Love your Bullet Point posts! ~Sunny
Thank you, Sweet Sunny! ❤❤