I’m always on the lookout for new blogs and websites that can help me become a better homeschooling mother. Some of those sites provide me with curriculum ideas, some with printables, and some with good encouragement for this (at times) weary Mama.
I’d love to share my favorite top 10 sites related to all things homeschool. Here they are in no particular order:

Spell Outloud
When I’m planning activities for my girls (5 and 3; the 18 month just eats crayons usually), Maureen’s site is one of the first I visit. Her ideas are so unique and they’re always a hit. My girls love her ABC Letter box and all of her ABC printables. My girls are always elated when it’s the ‘ABC Letter Box Day’!
Get Along Home
Cindy’s writing really makes me think. The way she articulates her stance with Biblical backing leaves me eager to read more. In fact, I read her blog most Saturday nights, and then make my husband read her posts – ha! Such good food for thought there, such as the cost of children and a big fat Amen, Sista on children being salt and light.
I’ve written a couple of posts recently on our new adventure with Notebooking – it’s been fabulous so far! And my absolute favorite spot to find free Notebooking pages is NotebookingPages.com. There is also a paid version of the site where you have access to literally thousands of Notebooking Pages on a plethora of topics – history, science, Bible, on and on. And don’t miss their Facebook party tonight at 8pm EST where there will be a demo of their new web-app The Notebooking Publisher along with other many prizes!

Confessions of a Homeschooler
I also use Confessions of a Homeschooler’s wonderful resources when I’m planning school for the girls. Earlier this school year, I bought Erica’s K4 Curriculum to use mostly with my 4 year old. It has a large assortment of activities ranging from very simple sight words to matching to letter hunt worksheets. My daughter has thoroughly enjoyed the activities! I also use her specific Letter activities for both my 3 and 5 year old.
Free Homeschool Deals
Free Homeschool Deals is a newer site, started by Jamerrill from Holy Spirit-Led Homeschooling. Jamerrill posts the best deals for homeschooling families (love those Amazon Kindle Freebies!) and also writes about how to homeschool frugally.
The Homeschool Classroom
The Homeschool Classroom is one of my favorite homeschooling sites because there is literally a little something for everyone there. For example, the most recent post is on Audio Books for Boys, which is perfect for our family since my 7 year old boy just discovered the joy of listening to an audio book while cleaning his room. But there’s also information on curriculum, planning and and scheduling too.
Raising Arrows
I’ve always enjoyed Amy’s writing at Raising Arrows. She has the gift of encouragement that speaks to this tired Mama! Although we only have 4 children, I love her Large Family Living posts. Also, her age-appropriate chore list has been most helpful!

Life as MOM
Jessica’s blog was literally one of the first that I ever read, long before homeschooling even entered my mind (because only weird people did that, you know…). She taught me a lot about freezer cooking and tons of advice for this novice homeschooling mom.
Amazon Prime
I adore Amazon Prime, oh yes I do. $70 a year for 2-day shipping just cannot be beat! I use Amazon Prime for everything from ordering our history books to my favorite laminating machine. I really should have put it #1 on my list.
I received a free trial to Scholaric while attending a homeschool conference this year. Prior to starting Scholaric, I was using a paper and pencil calendar to schedule lesson plans. While I’m usually a paper and pencil type of girl, I was frustrated that I constantly wrote things in the wrong spot and then had to re-write them – such a waste of time! I’ve loved the easy drag and drop feature of Scholaric for when I need to reorganize my week! It’s been a great lesson plan program for me so far!
What are your favorite homeschool sites to visit? I’m always looking for a new read, so leave your links in the comments!
I’m pleased to link this post to iHomeschool Network’s 10 in 10 Blog Hop Series and to Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.
I’ve never even heard of scholaric! I’ll have to check that out. You’ve got a great line up, of course. Maureen’s blog is one of my favorites. It’s the kind that makes you wish you had little ones all over again.
I’m too cheap for Amazon prime. I figure I’ve got more time than money, so I always just wait a week. (Maybe living in China and waiting 6-12 weeks for a package makes 7 days seem pretty quick?)
About Amazon Prime – yes, I felt completely the same way as if it were a total waste of money! But I admit having things delivered to my front porch in two days got me hooked quickly! I feel like we’ve really gotten our money’s worth, as we found other things to buy there (cheaply) and have them delivered.
Oh 6-12 weeks might make me cry. It must have been a great lesson in patience, huh? 🙂
Aww, you made my day!
Wow, I’m honored! Thank you so much! <3
Awwww, thanks for including me! What a happy surprise! Loving Scholaric too!