Valentine’s Day is upon us! While we are not a family that goes all out for February 14th, it certainly is fun to incorporate a few fun Valentine’s Day worksheets into our school week!
Who doesn’t love a little change of pace that includes pink and hearts galore?! I have a bunch of girly girls, and this is just the kind of thing they love.

❤ Click here to browse all of the Valentine’s Day Worksheets and hands-on printable activities here at Mama’s Learning Corner! Phonics mazes, coloring pages, counting hearts, and more!
Valentine’s Day Worksheets for Kindergarten and First Grade
Using different themes throughout the school year is a fun way to vary the school day. Yes, phonics and math and all types of learning still happens, themes just give it a nice change of pace.
Each of the printable activities in this packet was written for the Kindergarten and 1st Grade level. You could certainly use many of these worksheets with the Preschool and Early Kindergarten stage as well.
You will find the following topics included in this 30-page printable worksheet packet:
→ What Equals 10? – Cut and paste the equation in the correct column
→ Beginning Sound /v/ – Color the pictures that have the /v/ beginning sound
→ Maze It! Color Words – Get to the end of the maze by following the color words; then write favorite colors
→ Valentine’s Day ABC Cut and Paste – Paste the words in the correct alphabetical order
→ Valentine’s Day Label It! – Use the word bank to label the Valentine pictures
→ Crack the Valentine’s Day Code! – Use the number/letter key to crack the code and complete the ‘Roses are red…’ poem

→ Read It! Draw It! – Read the prompt and draw the picture to match
→ Counting to 14 – Follow the paths to count to 14 by ones
→ Highlight the Word – Use a highlighter to mark the Valentine-themed word
→ Punctuate It! – Cut and paste the correct punctuation (periods and question marks)
→ Number Bonds – Find the whole number
→ Valentine Writing (2 pages) – Use the picture prompt and word bank to write sentences
→ Valentine Card Sequencing – Cut and paste the text in the correct order based on the picture prompts
→ Valentine Mazes – Trace the dotted lines to match the Valentine pictures
→ Rhyme It – Color the matching hearts of rhyming words

→ Valentine’s Day Color the Hearts – Color the hearts based on size – small, medium, or large
→ What Color Is It? – Identifying colors and practice writing color words – pink, red, and purple
→ Word Work – Understanding the phonetic parts of the word ‘valentine’
→ Find the Missing Number – Write in the missing teen numbers in each row
→ February Calendar Work – Use the calendar to answer the questions related to the month of February; calendar doesn’t have a year, so can be reused for multiple years
→ Subtraction Ladders – Calculate your way down the subtraction ladder using your previous response as part of the new equation; whole numbers to 13
→ Read and Color – Follow the directions for coloring the picture

→ Valentine’s Day Word Search – Words go horizontally and vertically only
→ Color by Number – Simple color by number using numbers 10-24
→ Color by CVC Word – Code is based on CVC words such as -ut or -ab
→ Count and Graph – Count the Valentine-themed pictures and make a bar graph
→ Who Am I? – Write the correct word by the description
→ Fix the Sentence – Write the given sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation

Are you an All Access Pass member? Go straight to the Other Holidays page and download it there!
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You can purchase the Valentine’s Day worksheet packet by adding to your cart:
More Valentine’s Day Activities and Resources for your Young Learners:
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My granddaughter, age 5, loved your Valentine printables. We worked
On them together. They were fantastic and she got so excited with
the different printable pages.
A huge Thank You!!