I’m back (albeit a bit late!) with the next week of Summer Learning Packets for 1st grade! This is packet #4, so we have 6 more weeks of the weekly packet to go. I am publishing a weekly worksheet packet that will be just right for your children that finished 1st grade.
This is Week #4 of 10 total weeks.
Each weekly packet will cover 5 worksheet pages for 1 week: Monday through Friday.
While I say that packets are for 1st graders, they can of course be used with any age that needs this level of phonics and math practice. Certainly use them with your eager and curious Kindergarten children or use them with 2nd graders that need some more intense and fundamental phonics review and practice with math facts.
None of the pages indicate that they are for First Grade, so feel free to easily use them with the students that need this level with no shame.

This is a continuing series for 10 total weeks this summer. A new packet will be published each week, so stay tuned!
➡️ Bookmark this page so you can stay up-to-date with all 10 packets Weekly Worksheet Packets
Note: The packets are “free” to those with an All Access Pass.
You will find the weekly packets numbered 1 through 10. This post contains Worksheet Packet #4.
Summer Learning 1st Grade Weekly Worksheet Packet #4
The focus of these 1st grade worksheets is math and phonics. Summer break is definitely time for a change of pace than carrying on with the regular academic pace.
However, often is the case that early elementary children need practice with math facts and phonics over the several months of summer.
This packet is perfect for kids that are scheduled to have a long summer break, but still need consistent phonics and math facts practice.
These worksheets are short and sweet! They will reinforce those 1st grade phonics concepts that we worked so hard on this year. Choose to use as many or as few as you need!

1st Grade Phonics and Math Worksheets
The weekly summer learning packets will all follow the same formula. They will each have 25 pages total with a daily math drill.
Each packet will consist of:
- 25 total pages – 5 worksheets for each day
- 5 days total for Monday through Friday
- 5 pages of math worksheets
- 5 pages of phonics practice worksheets
- 5 pages of focused handwriting practice for print writing – words include basic household nouns, familiar words, and countries around the world
- 5 pages of sight word practice taken from the First Grade Dolch sight word list
- 5 pages of color by code worksheets – varies between phonics and math practice
- BONUS: Daily math drill
- BONUS: Answer Keys

1st Grade Worksheet Packet #4
The following skills are practiced in worksheet packet #4:
Day 1:
Math: One-half and one-fourth cut and paste sorting activity
Handwriting: Letter F
Sight Word: ask
Phonics: Rhyming Words
Color by Code: Addition and Subtraction to 20
Day 2:
Math: Addition Word Problems
Handwriting: Letter I
Sight Word: fly
Phonics: Bossy R – UR
Color by Code: Beginning S-Blends: SC, SK, SM, SN, SP, ST
Day 3:
Math: Subtraction Match
Handwriting: Letter N
Sight Word: know
Phonics: Double Consonants: FF, LL, SS, ZZ
Color by Code: Rhyming Words
Day 4:
Math: Interpreting Graphs – Pictograph with the theme of pets
Handwriting: Letter P
Sight Word: stop
Phonics: Short and Long Vowels
Color by Code: Addition with sums to 15
Day 5:
Math: Counting Numbers to 150
Handwriting: Letter V
Sight Word: then
Phonics: Y that sounds like Long Vowel E or I
Color by Code: Subtraction from 15
Daily Math Drills
Also included as a bonus with these weekly worksheet packets will be a daily math drill. Each column includes 12 equations to solve.
In this packet, the equations include:
Day 1: Addition within 10
Day 2: Subtraction within 10
Day 3: Mixed Addition and Subtraction within 10
Day 4: Addition plus 1
Day 5: Subtraction minus 1
If you have learners that are easily distracted, cut apart the columns after printing so only one day at the time is visible.
This tip was really helpful for my girls when they were younger! Too many items on the page – especially colored pictures – was a huge hindrance for them in the early grades.

Are you an All Access Pass member? Go straight to the Weekly Worksheet Packet page and download this entire packet there there!
All Access Pass members have first access to ALL of the 400+ paid and free printables here at Mama’s Learning Corner! Click here to find out more.
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